for those of you who have seen my away messages lately, all i do at work is scan and destaple, scan and destaple. repeat if necessary. well, the scanner for all to use was technically challenged today--possibly my fault...anyway, one in the backroom/closet was turned on for me so i could continue scanning. it was a secret door that looked like the wall. pretty cool. well hardly anyone ever went in there. so, being me, i decide to dance around.
i was hopping, shaking, and quite grooving around. then mid-kick i ran into something behind me...the receptionist.
"keep dancing. its okay. its good exercise" I hear.
Embasrassed, I replied with"that's embarassing," then followed with an awkard kind of laugh. my cheeks were warmer than the paper i just finished copying.
"its okay. i won't tell anyone. I'll close the door when I leave. keep dancing."